Get Professional Services from Prozoid - Exceed Expectations and Achieve More!

At Prozoid, we offer a range of professional services designed to meet the unique needs of our clients.

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Discover Our Comprehensive Range of Services

KPO Services

001 book keeping services 002

Avail best online bookkeeping services from Corpbiz and get support from a team of professionals to set a robust foundation for all your financial processes.

03 data

Data analytics services manage the data for all kinds of usage and analyze the data to improve business processes and enhance outcomes..

04 data collection

Data Collection is the process of merging the data from different resources by loading and uploading. The data collection services include..

02 account peyble

Accounts Payable Outsourcing Services enable the administration of invoice or bill-related tasks. These services use a third-party vendor and it is generally…

Back-Office Operations

01 data processing services
Data processing involves the process of collecting the data and transforming the relevant data from several sources and comprehending it. Data processing services help in the extraction…
02 medical billing

Medical Billing counts for accuracy the most. With the help of these services, billing errors are reduced to the maximum. Our back-office support services are affordable with flexible pricing options…

03 network Admistrative

Network administration includes the management and monitoring of networks in an organization. These services help in meeting and assessing the….

04 talemarkketing services

The direct marketing of goods and services to customers via different sources of medium is known as telemarketing. Also known as telesales, these services are provided..

05 Document

The process of keeping a record of your company’s financial transactions in a well organized account on a daily basis is known as Bookkeeping. The bookkeeping services allow a well planned…

06 virtual captive

Virtual captive center services are basically the services offered directly to organizations. The offshore virtual captive center services are customer-owned.

07 hr

Human resource has an important role to play in an organization. Therefore, outsourcing human resource services save a lot of time and tend to be cost-effective.

08 remote team

Remote Teams are those teams working for a common organization. Proziod Outsourcing provides dedicated remote teams services for your organization.

Development & Design

01 hire developer

A highly skilled and trained team of developers can take your business to the next level and help your business to grow exponentially. The best results are produced by..

02 saleforce

Salesforce implementation services cover salesforce consultancy, customization, management and support…

03 robotic

Robotic Process Automation services allow the automation of the business and the easy scalability of the business and IT processes.

Data Security

IT Standards & ISO Compliance

IT Standards include hardware and software standards. The IT standards allow the operational functionality, programming languages, human interaction..

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity

Business Continuity is the continuance of business at all times whether during disasters or risks. Disaster Recovery allows the data to be restored..

Risk Management

Risk management is the process of identifying uncertainties and analysing them for the company to make better decisions in future.

Get A Better Return On Outsourcing

Our belief resides in transparency and open communication that serves to maintain a healthy work environment.

Get A Better Return On Outsourcing

Our belief resides in transparency and open communication that serves to maintain a healthy work environment.

How to start your

Offshoring Team

We understand that building an offshore team can be a bit daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. TGT makes it easy as we are here to support you in every single step.

Identify your next hire

Begin your journey, If you could hire someone today, what role would it be?

Select Your Own Team

You can choose your team according to the specific requirements

Get your team started

Start with the work right away with the team you choose

Manage & Support your Team

Effortlessly manage and support your team now

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